Gene's Gardener's Forum - 3rd Edition

Posted by South Winnipeg Garden Club On Sunday, September 12, 2010 0 comments
For all members of the SWGC who use email, Gene has once again sent out the very informative and wonderful Gardener's Forum newsletter. These helpful letters advise members of the opportunities and policies of the Garden Club.

Below I have copied some of the important details that Gene would like all members to remember:

IN GARDEN SHREDDING – The SWGC owns a shredder for shredding garden material. Last year many gardeners took advantage of shredding their garden material in their own gardens.
There are some benefits to doing this. These include:
1) You will not need to move material from your garden to the compost bins.
2) You will be returning your own garden material to your garden.
3) It is a good way to amend your soil.
Gene will be able to access the gardens as the gardens become accessible during the fall clean-up and will periodically be at the gardens with the shredder or if you would like him to come out during the day please send him an e-mail and he will make arrangements to be there. Please clean all soil from the roots.

COMPOST – Bin 1 has some compost available on a first come basis. It is a good time to amend your soil before fall tilling. It would be nice to be able to use up as much of compost as possible. We would like to move material from bin 3 (south bin) to bin 1 where we should have it as planned however we need to empty bin 1 first.

GARDEN MATERIAL FOR COMPOST BIN – Should you prefer to use the compost bins for your garden material, please use the south bin for now. Make sure there are no diseased plants (they go in the garbage) or soil on any garden material. We will advise you of any changes as they occur.

GARBAGE – Place your weeds, diseased plants, rhubarb leaves, etc in garbage bags!

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